Complementary guidelines
In addition to the mandatory rules detailed in the previous sections of this notice, taking into account the complementary guidelines listed below has a beneficial impact on people with disabilities.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that you apply them.
- Limit the length of a line to 80 characters
- Provide sign language interpretation for each audio content
- Allow a margin between paragraphs of at least 1.5 times the value of line spacing
- Allow a line spacing of at least 1.5 times the size of the text
- Provide a way to disable all the animations, including the transition effects
- Associate text with each ambiguous symbol
- Do not justify the text
- Group similar form fields together and give them a heading
- Indicate the format and size of each document that can be downloaded
- Indicate the language of each document available for download written in a foreign language
- Keep accents on capital letters (for French, Spanish and any language containing accented characters)
- Make the current position visually different in each navigation system
- Plan sufficiently large and spaced hotspots
- Provide a breadcrumb
- Provide a confirmation message
- Provide a heading for each data table
- Provide an explicit link text for each link and each button
- Provide a submit button at the end of each form
- Provide a summary prior to final submission of multi-step forms
- Provide a way of returning to the previous steps on forms with multiple steps
- Provide skip links