7.6. Provide a method for controlling all animated content

A way to pause and restart animation must be provided for each animated content (scrolling, flashing, movement, etc.).


You do not need to provide a progress bar or pause/play button for animations that last less than 5 seconds.


If the website offers a lot of moving content, a good accessibility practice is to provide a centralized system for deactivating and restarting all animations of the website at once.

Screen capture, caption below.
This animated carousel has a button for pausing the movement.
Screenshot of an "Accessibility" panel in the banner of a website, it allows you to choose the level of contrast ("Default", "High" or "Reversed") and the state of the animations ("Enabled" or "Disabled").
This feature allows you to enable or disable from a single place all the animations of the site.


  • Par Modern Software Development Complex, le 23 May 2022 at 14h14.

    Ce commentaire a été publié il y a plus de 2 ans. Il se peut que son contenu ne soit plus d'actualité.

    It’s really a great article. Looking forward to more content.


    • Par Romain Desjardins (Atalan), le 16 June 2022 at 14h22.

      Ce commentaire a été publié il y a plus de 2 ans. Il se peut que son contenu ne soit plus d'actualité.


      Thank you for your message!

      For your information, the content is updated according to the french accessibility standard.

      Have a good day,



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