7.3. Provide a way of controlling the progress and the sound of all video and audio content

The following controls must be included with all video and audio content:

  • Progress controls, play button and stop and/or pause button.
  • Sound controls: mute/unmute sound button.


It is moreover interesting to provide for each video and audio content:

  • A way to control its volume.
  • Information about the current position and its total duration.
  • Ways to control its progress (progress bar, fast-forward/rewind buttons, etc.).
Screenshot of an audio player with a "Pause", a "Stop", a "Sound on/off" buttons, and a progression bar (labelled 0:00 out of 19:41).
Screenshot of a video player with a "Play/Pause", a "Stop", a "Sound on/off" buttons, and a progression bar (labelled 1:28 out of 2:30).
These examples of audio and video players are compliant because they offer the following buttons: play/pause, sound on/off and volume control.


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